So I am sat here with 3 devices open trying to figure out how to write a blog. Grrrr. All I want to do is add information to a widget. Seriously? How hard can this be? Actually pretty hard considering I only learned what a widget was yesterday, and now I suddenly want to fill one with stuff. When did life get this complicated?
When I was younger the hardest thing I had to do was decide what flavour to put into my Mr Frosty and whether or not to give my Girl’s World a pony tail or plaits. We would have no hope with a YouTube channel so you can rest assured that won’t be happening any time soon!
The boat is filled with technology like Iridium Go. Somehow this piece of magic lets us pick up weather forecasts miles out from land. Lee says it provides the ability to make and receive basic text messages and embed something called a URL into it. The words are English but may as well not be. NOT A CLUE what this all means. I have decided my husband will live his life permanently attached to a safety harness as it is becoming increasingly obvious that if anything happens to him I will be totally screwed.
Today we are having a “new Raymarine Axiom Pro 9 chart plotter and Quantum 2 Doppler Radar installed which will be integrated with existing ST 60 instruments and AIS 650 transponder, as well as a fusion stereo”. It’s in quotes as Lee told me what was being done. What does this even mean? No idea at all. Just 3 blokes are coming to the boat, will be ripping it apart and it is costing the same as a really nice Louis Vuitton handbag. Or several pairs of Jimmy Choo shoes.
Anyway. I had best get back to my widget problem.
Russ commented that one of his friends got a super duper driving experience for his birthday from his wife.
I’m sure Russ preferred his wet suit xxx